EGCR’s Spotlight of the Week

EGCR’s Spotlight of the Week

EGCR’s spotlight series will be focusing on the fun side of our staff and Court Reporters, featuring their interests and what makes them awesome! This week’s spotlight is on our humorous Videographer, David! 

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? *** Warning:  Contains sarcasm… just one of the many services I provide ***    Apparently, around the office, I am known for my sarcasm.  So in an effort to uphold this image, I feel that I must provide both a sarcastic answer and my true answer to these questions.


What is the one thing you cannot resist? Sarcastic response:  sarcasm  / real response: peanut butter


Do you have a favorite quote? No.  Next question. / It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.


What is the first concert you attended? New Kids on the Block…NKOTB4EVA! / Van Halen…. hearing Eddie Van Halen inspired me to learn to play the guitar.


Who is your favorite band/artist? ABBA, Nickelback, Spice Girls, One Direction, T Swizzle / Elvis, Otis Redding, Prince, Black Crowes, Lucero, Sister Sparrow & the Dirty Birds, Beth Hart , Rolling Stones, Bill Withers.  I am a big fan of discovering new music. I love to randomly go to the smaller music venues around town and check out whoever is playing that night.  I have never been disappointed. There is still great music being made.  You just have to go out and find it.


Where would you like to go on a dream vacation? Staycation to the beautiful rolling hills of Netflixia. /  Ireland – to drink a pint with my pale skinned brethren.


Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Benedict Cumberbatch – you question his appeal, but he grows on you. / Humphrey Bogart – the man was just as smooth as it gets  


If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? The Black Eyed Peas /The Dalai Lama, Keith Richards, Kevin Smith, Robin Williams


What would you do if you won the lottery? Invest in the 2016 remake of Gone with the Wind, staring Channing Tatum and Kristen Stewart. / Travel around the globe.


What’s your favorite movie? Weekend at Bernie’s – GREATEST MOVIE EVER!! / Casablanca – what other movie can still hold up close to 80 years later.


What animal best represents you, and why? Combination of a Duck Billed Platypus and a Sloth – for obvious reasons.


What three things do you think of the most each day? How can “one last question” mean we still have another hour to go? How would that taste if I put peanut butter on it?!? Why O’ why are they remaking that movie that I loved so dearly from my childhood!!!???


If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? November 5th, 1955…the date the Doc first envisioned the flux capacitor.   Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads. / 1920’s:  I can envision myself the proprietor of a speak easy.


What three traits define you? Sitting silently for hours on end, remaining calm – even if Rome is burning down all around, turning simple tasks into adventures.


Tell us something that might surprise us about you: I don’t know how to put this… but I’m kind of a big deal. I hosted a show for local music on college radio in Chattanooga for a good number of years. My DJ name was the Plasmaboy.


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