
Our office is fully capable of handling depositions, arbitrations, classroom settings or any other type of proceeding. Below you’ll find a brief overview of what our facility provides for those who choose to make use of it, and if you encounter this need, all you need to do is let us know. We’ll provide you with all of the details you will need to schedule an event at our office.

  • Comfort : Everyone understands that proceedings such as depositions can lead to the need to sit in one place for several hours on consecutive days.  Our main conference room comfortably seats 14 people in chairs that will not leave you hurting or stiff.
  • Technical Efficiency : Our main table comes equipped with outlets for easy to use laptop usage or charging peripherals.  Our entire facility is equipped with free Wi-Fi.
  • Communication : Our Georgia court reporting services provide people with state-of-the-art telephone capabilities if communicating outside our room is necessary.  These videoconference lines can connect either via ISDN or via IP over the Internet.
  • Visualization : Many proceedings will require the ability for someone to look at something on a video screen so that proper testimony can be offered.  Our main conference room comes equipped with a 58-inch high-definition television for that purpose with the ability to cast documents or web pages.
  • Video : Most litigators these days want to record depositions and other proceedings on video so that they can refer to them at a later time.  We provide clients with a full array of high-definition video recording equipment that will preserve every question, answer and expression.
  • Location : Finally, location is important in more things than real estate.  Our office is located a relatively short drive from the airport and it is connected to the rest of the city in such a way that no one should have to waste time looking for us or getting to our office.
Click here to fill out the no-obligation scheduling form, and a representative will contact you to access your needs.


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