Witness #1
Add Witness Delete Witness
Taking Attorney You must enter the taking attorney contact information as well as select at least one witness, at least one transcript option, and at least one exhibit option.
Select Next to move to the next step. If any required data is missing, a message will appear in red at the top of the form. All required fields must be completed before moving to the next step.
Copy Attorneys
Errata The Waived checkbox must be selected if Send Errata for Signature To is not entered.
Select Next to move to the next step. If any required data is missing, a message will appear in red at the top of the form. All required fields must be completed before finishing the wizard.
  1. To upload files, click the blue Choose Files button.
  2. To select multiple files, hold ctrl key and select files.
  3. After files are selected, press green Upload button.
  4. After you see “Done! Files Successfully Uploaded,” click the Finish button to complete your turn-in.